Friday, January 19, 2007

SAL progress piccies

So, the first thing I did this morning was hop over to Cindy's blog to see if she had posted yet! And she had! I feel the same as her! I can hardley wait until Tuesday to be able to work on this piece again. It is a fairly easy stitch, and it goes quickly. I love it! so, here is my progress picture...
I think her and I may have gotten close to the same amount done, except, I spread mine out, that is just the way I stitch, after so much in one area on the same color, I get bored and have to find a new area to work on. Plus I love backstitching letters! I can't wait until Tuesday to pick it up again. Well, not much going on, other than that. It's Friday! Our snow and ice has melted, but it is raining right now. It is supposed to snow again this weekend, or have that "wintery mix" stuff again, rather...maybe a little bit of both. I am going to see if my hubby will clean out the fire place, so I can run it this weekend. The lady next door runs hers ALL the time. I know her gas bill (if she has a gas heater!) must be low! Ours is sky high! She actually has a great idea. Well, today I am going to work on Dare to Dream while watching more ER. I had gotten the 1st season for Christmas, well, I got to the third disc of the season, and realized that that was a defective package, as it had two Disc #1's, and no #3, so I had to go to Best buy and exchange it, well, they had no season 1 when we went, so hubby, being the sweetheart that he me season two, then came home and bought me season 1 off the internet. So, I got a defective season 1 and exhanged it for two seasons! I made out like a bandit on that one! well, off to stitch...something, I am not sure what. I have been in the mood to pull out another WIP from my I have not worked on in a LONG while, what shall that be? you wonder? Well, come back tomorrow and you shall find out! Happy Friday, and Happy Stitching!


Anonymous said...

Looking awesome! I love to do the lettering too but will probably do mine last, save the best for last! LOL Can not wait until Tuesday!!

Anonymous said...

It's looking really good!