Monday, January 08, 2007

A very early morning...

Well, I was awoken this morning by my cute little puppy, (who turned one year old on the 5th of this month, by the way) who is such a smarty pants that she knows in order to wake me up, she has to make noise. so she will creep up really close to me while I'm in bed, and shake her head back and forth viciously to make the tags on her collar jingle, and wake me up. I mean, you'd think she could just cry or whine or bark or something, but no, my dog has to sound like a bell ringing. She's so smart.
Well, yesterday was my first day of the rest of my life. It sounds funny to say it that way, but I am in a new chapter of my life, and it feels like the vacation we just got home from was the void that connects the last chapter (as a Sam's Club employee) and the new chapter:unemployment! I just sat around and watched ALOT (ie: to much!) TV. For Christmas I got three DVD series of my favorite shows, plus one of my favorite movies. So, that is what I did. I sat and wacthed something like 10 episodes of the Cosby Show. And two or three episodes of ER. Did I mention i watched WAY too much TV? I did get some stitching in during that time. since I was too lazy to get unpacked, hence the reason for no progress photos yet, I settled in with what was my enemy before I left: The Abbey. Everything ran smoothly and me and it are once again on friendly terms. Today I am absolutely putting my foot down: no more than 2 hours of TV. I always feel so guilty when I sit and just watch the TV for hours at a time. I need to get active and start exercising. But it is so easy with DVD's to just put them in, and watch! because unlike when you are watching the show on TV, you have the option to find out what is going ot happen int he next episode, so you just can't stop! It's like reading a good book! You just can't put it down! So, I just had to see what happened next, so I just kept watching! But today I really do need to be more productive! But I know I will watch some TV, as that is my stitching time! So, anyway. I am gonna get going, I have things to do, and maybe later today I will post photos. Keep your fingers crossed! Thanks to cindy, Mary Ann, and Faith Ann for the comments! They are VERY muchly appreciated! Also to Carla and Jenn who posted notes to me the post before last. I love getting comments!


Anonymous said...

Well in my opinion, with the long bus ride and stuff, you deserved to sit around and watch TV like that! I am looking forward to seeing some photos though, so get to unpacking! LOL

Anonymous said...

Like Cindy said, I am looking forward to seeing the progress pictures!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Lana! Glad you had such a good time in California. I know how easy it is to turn on the TV and just veg out. I've been doing a bit too much of that too. Gotta get back into a better routine! :D

Anonymous said...

Aw, it doesn't hurt to have some time of vegging as you adjust to your new life :)