Tuesday, January 23, 2007


It's Tuesday...SAL day with Cindy! And I am so glad that I feel much better than I did this past weekend, because I can put some major time into this wonderful project! I am so glad we picked two days of the week to work on it instead of just one! I don't think I could wait an entire week to get back to it! Well, not much going on here, yesterday I was a complete slump-head, and sat and watched episode after episode of ER. But! while I watched I stitched ona christmas pressie. one of my dear pen pals sent me an Eeyore kit to stitch, and I started it last week, and worked on it a bit today. Right now it is just apurplish-blue blob, and it is killing me as you all know how I like to mix it up a bit when I stitch, so I think next time I stitch on it, I will work my way to his tail, so I can work on the bright pink bow that is on his tail. I was so happy when this friend sent me this, as I have been thinking for awhile that I will like to stitch a whole bunch of Eeyore pieces and then incorporate them into a quilt. I have a bunch of books with Eeyore patterns int hem, and I thought I would stitch them up and then buy some coordinating fabric and go to town. Who know s if that will truly ever happen, but it is just a thought. Well, I am off to work on my SAL piece! I wonder if any housework will get done today?

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