Sunday, October 11, 2015


Last time I posted:


And here's a close up of the area I worked on the past 5 days:

So not bad! And good news is, my stitchy bug has come back out of hiding and I absolutely loved working on this project. I think I just needed a change of scenery so to speak. I really do hope to finish this piece up this month. I've only got to finish back stitching the large light brown cat and the white kitten on top of him, and then stitch two more cats. Then it'll be done and I can get it framed up for my daughter. 
Thank you for stopping by! 


Michelle-ozark crafter said...

That is so cute! I usually have more than one stitching thing going to keep myself from going crazy working on one.

Linda said...

Wonderful progress on such a cute design Lana. Please send your stitch bugs friend to me. All I want to do is crochet.


Anonymous said...

beautiful progress

Annie said...

I love this one, and yours is looking great!
Glad you got your stitchy bug back:)

Lumiruusu said...

Oh how sweet Kitties and you did a great work with your WIP.

Katie said...

Fantastic progress!!