Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Just a quick hello!

So this evening I had some time so I dropped in on a bunch of blogs and left hellos in the comments!! I miss you all sooooo much! But! I AM enjoying my visit with my mom so much!! She has 2 more weeks left here! And then normal life will resume. I have actually been able to get a surprisingly good amount of stitching in while she's been here, as she loves spending time with the baby (of course! what proud grammy doesn't?!) giving me time to....stitch!!! I have actually just about finished the entire border around "Patchwork Bears" and worked some on the bears themselves! I had set myself a goal to have it finished by June 1st of this year, but I think I will be seeing a finish on it WAAAAAY before then!!! I will share photos soon, promise!!!

Thank you all again for your patience as I have not been around much! I will be sad for my mom to leave, but also I am anxious to return to the normalcy of life! See yah soon!


Lynn said...

I'm glad you're both having such a wonderful visit. Enjoy the remainder and we'll see you when you return!

Dani - tkdchick said...

I hope you continue to have a wonderful visit with your mom!

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

Enjoy the rest of your visit with your mom!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment!

Gwen said...

Hi Lana,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It looks like I need to join your Challenge Blog. I started the year cataloging some UFO need to get back to it and work a plan that I can stick to.