Friday, August 26, 2011


From all your blog rolls, that is!! Stop it, I tell you! Stop blog rolling all this wonderful stitchy blogginess! Don't you know, there are only 24 hours in a day?! And everytime I look at someones blog, I try not to, but sometimes, I can't help myself, I take a peek at their blog roll to see if there is someone I HAVE to keep tabs on, and my google reader is just getting FAT!! It needs to go on a diet! So for the love of my sanity!!! STOP posting all those lovely blogs! I don't have time to check them all out and that makes me sad! What if I miss something?!

I'm soooo kidding, of course!! This blogging thing is just about as addictive as the hobby itself! LOL...I love reading new (to me) blogs, and I keep finding more! It's a never ending journey!! LOL

Well, I wanted to also say I hope everyone out there on the east coast are doing all they can to stay safe from Irene! Don't try to be a hero, EVACUATE if they tell you to!! Do whatever you can to stay safe!!!

And while you are all batteling with Irene, we have a(nother) Typhoon on it's way here to our tiny Japanese island as well, slotted to hit on Tuesday or/and we'll see what this one does! The last one took over 53 hours to pass through. During which we were all house bound....obviously since what idiot would really be out and about in 115+ mph winds? Hopefully no one!

I am going to be anxiously checking my google reader to hear from those of you on the East Coast, and knowing you're all ok!! Now go be safe!!


Margaret said...

Oh good heavens -- Irene had better not take 53 hours to pass through. I don't think we'd survive! Thanks for the good wishes for those of us in Irene's path. I'm freaking out, of course. Hoping for the best. I'll be praying that typhoon passes you by too.

mdgtjulie said...

I hope you stay safe too Lana. I'd be petrified of winds that high!!! Glad you're enjoying blogger. I keep finding new blogs too, and adding them on. Geez, so many to follow!!

~*Sharee*~ said...

Hi hun, Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog today and when I talk to Ashley again I will diffidently let her know what you said. Her dad was in the Army so she is a "army brat" but being a "Army Wife" is different for sure. :) I look forward to getting to know you..

Hugs, Shar

Debby said...

I'm so right there with you on the blog reading. I get caught up for maybe a day or 2 and then before I blink, I'm way, way behind!!! But like you, I too am afraid that I'll miss something awesome - so I continue to plug away.

Best of luck to you and yours during the upcoming Typhon. While I'm no where close to the east coast, my son and his family are about 25 miles north of Norfolk, VA. So I've been watching the news and out weather channel almost continuously to keep up with what is happening. I pray for your country and our eastern coast.

Blu Stitcher said...

Thank You for such a wonderful comment on my blog. I love feedback, LOL, but I think we all do. Please stay safe !!!

Lynn said...

I'm afraid I'll miss something too which is why I spend far too much time on the computer. All this blog reading has enhanced my stash considerably because I see so many designs out there that I just have to have!
Hope you stay safe during the typhoon. I'll be keeping up with all the weather reports on those of you in danger.

Jennifer M. said...

Yes! I'm the say way! I think I spend more time reading blogs and finding blogs than I do actually crafting these days. I can't help it though. I love to see what other projects people are into. It is all very inspiration.

Good Luck with the Typhoon. Those things sound scarier than Hurricanes. I've been through a few Hurricanes and they are scaryyyyy!

Enjoy your weekend. :)

MyStitchNiche said...

I'm starting to get as addicted to the blogs as I have been to Facebook lol... wishing you well thru the typhoon, Lana, as well as everyone going thru Irene!

Jules said...

Glad you are keeping safe in all the crazy weather over there! I know that my family and friends along the East coast are safe and sound in the wake of Irene and the quake before that.

Are ya ready for the weekend?? I am looking forward to seeing how much progress you put into CH4TH. And it's a HOLIDAY weekend, woo hoo! Not that it matters to me at the moment being jobless, LOL!