Tuesday, July 21, 2020

I have a finish!!

I finished my ornament this morning! I’m really happy to have this one done. And super excited to start the next one in the series: it’s a cat wearing a Santa hat, and it’s really cute!! 
I started this one on March 8th and finished it today- July 21st. Which I was hoping to finish it by the end of April, but oh well. My last one took over 6 months to complete, I believe, but who’s counting? 
I think a few posts ago I explained that I was cutting back in my challenge pieces, allowing me more time to work on my non challenge pieces as well as work on some other hobbies that I enjoy. And it really seems to be working out well. I’m putting a lot more time into my ornament and my Quilt piece. I have not met my monthly goal on either of these pieces until now. So, I think I was just stressing too much over meeting challenge goals, and while trying to reach goals is fun (for me) when it comes to hobbies sometimes yah just have to not be so hard on yourself. 

I hope you are all staying healthy and safe and getting lots of stitches in! Thank you for stopping by and I’ll see yah next time!  


Needles Everywhere said...

Very cute. What nice stitching! Cannot wait to see the next one.

Vicki said...

Very cute!
I agree with what you're saying about craft challenges. Sometimes I set such ambitious goals for myself in stitching that I lose the joy. I tend to be a task oriented person and sometimes I just need to put away the 2020 to do list and stitch for the pleasure of stitching!