Saturday, February 21, 2009


It has been just has been crazy busy...with packing and trying to get the house ready for sale, and stuff, then this past week, I rolled my ankle while I was doing a step aerobic work out, and sprained it rather badly, so have been out of commission because of it.

The good thing about the sprain: STITCHING TIME!!! I have actually been stitching pretty steadily on Snowman #6. I have no clue where, in this hub bub of stuff that is my house right now, my camera is tho, so no pictures at this time. But know I am making progress. I am starting to think about what I want to stitch when I am finished with these snowmen. I have a bunch of WIP's to pick up but I want to start a new one...naughty, naughty I know! I just splurged and bought 4 new cross stitch magazines, and have found a hand full of projects in each that I want to do, so maybe one of those...I think all my other magazines and patterns have gone out to storage already...I have no clue. It's very frustrating. Oh well. Guess if I can't find anything...I'll have to buy something! Oh darn! lol


Carolyn NC said...

Sorry to hear about your ankle, and I hope it heals quickly! Good luck with the sale and upcoming move.

Terry said...

Hope your ankle starts feeling better soon (but not before you can enjoy some relaxing stitching time!)

Good luck with all that you have to accomplish before the move!

Anonymous said...

Ouch on the ankle but yippee on more stitching time!

Meari said...

Ouch! I've been there, so I can empathize. I hope you heal up soon.

CindyMae said...

Thanks for the email, it was great to hear from you!!! I do hope that your ankle feels better soon, but at least there is something good coming of it! Can not beat getting extra stitching time! I replied to your email, let me know what you think!