Well, after long delays in Seattle, first due to bad weather and then to a mechanical problem, we finally made it to Japan! It is beautiful here! Lots of green stuff...grass and trees! The weather is a bit more hot and humid than I prefer, but thank goodness for Air conditioning!
I had alot of extra time for reading and stitching while I was delayed in Seattle, which was nice. I am going at a pretty good clip on BoInk. I have almost an entire quarter finished! Since I am using a community government computer at the hotel right now, I am not able to post photos yet, but we should have a house by the end of the week, and a shipment of stuff, which my hubby's computer is in, so should be able to show photos soon!
One thing I was really worried about was not being able to take my stitching on the plane, and I had NO problems at all!!! I ended up getting a clover cutter, so left the scissors in my checked baggage, and no one said a thing about the needle. Of course, we were traveling on military orders, and no one gives you any trouble if you have orders, it was the easiest air travel experience I have ever had!! It was great!
Tomorrow we have meetings all day about life here, and I think we get tested for our drivers license too, since they drive on the opposite side of the road here, we have to have a Japanese drivers license! So, tomorrow will be really busy!! Well, off to enjoy the nice evening weather, as it is too hot to be out during the day, so will be going out to exercise and such in the evening, or early mornings, unless I go to the gym, which is a long walk from the hotel.
Hope everyone is doing well, and getting lots of stitching in. I am slowly trying to get caught up on all the feeds in my googlereader...and from the look sof it, you guys have been stitching like crazy!! Talk to you later! Hopefully when I post again I will have photos to share!